On Memories

Drinks of peculiar ferment
Locked in cherished cellar dark,
With dreamy draughts carefully stored.
Thoughts by years through which are cured.
Steeped in splendor drawn from age
Of casks and barrels of finished days;
On sleepy shelves they gleam and shine:
Bottled snippets of borrowed time.

Sorrow's vintage has bitter dregs,
Each firkin of joy though strong is small.
At close of days the larder is full,
But hearth and hall are cold and bare;
Would that the fire roared and shone
And friends we'd warmly welcome home.

Return, companions, come at last!
And draw a keg from times long past,
Of sorrows bitter and old joys sweet
We'll lay them at the Maker's feet.
Laughter, tears, and all we've seen
He will not scorn, He will redeem!
Rejoice, for though the cellar's dark,
The hearth revives with but a spark,
And when the songs have reached their end,
We'll laugh once more among our friends.

His Response

The only love I’ll ever need,
Is knowing Christ is there for me.
I waited for answers I sought,
And God answered through my thought.
Put your faith in Christ the Lord,
Learn His ways and read the word.
Jesus is with us till the end,
All our brokenness He’ll mend.


My darling, sweet darling,
you know I love the sea.

Away from you, the salt-filled wounds
bring myself to me.

I pray for you, my darling;
everything we shall be.

In your arms once more, amor,
I’ll be eventually.

Never Enough

I screamed and I cried
Trying you convince you otherwise

But yet

It was not enough
With the conclusion that
I will never be enough
Just as I am
Because what you want from me I cannot give


My heart aches
My voice breaks
And I have tears running down my face

Because today you screamed
Today you cried
And yes you hurt
But I hurt too
Does that not matter to you?

You say it’s fine
That it’s something you’ll have to live with
But how can I face you now?
How can I change?
Cause any effort now according to you is
And I’m still left with the same fate

I’m no longer welcome.
That much has been made clear
And I just don’t know what to do


My heart still aches
Though my voice no longer breaks
And there are no tears on my face

My heart. Just. Aches.

Next Step

This wasn’t supposed to happen
This wasn’t in my plans
It should be far down on my list
To be looking for a man

I don’t know how this happened —
Well, I guess that isn’t true:
I suppose this is expected; I’ve
spent too much time with you

So close to graduation,
And as the end comes near,
My head is screaming “get a grip,”
We don’t need a new hope here

I didn’t want to do this
but now I can’t be the same
My friends ask me about you
and my momma knows your name

So what is the next step now?
Really, what can I do?
Anxiously I’m waiting to
match the next step with you.

Trust Your Light

I wish there was no longer any fear.
Please tell me now why I do worry?
Why am I so scared to shed my tears?
Why am I ready to change in such a hurry?

Why? Oh why?
Am I not good enough
To be content with just being myself?

Why? Oh Why?
Why is it hard to say?
That I am beautiful and I was made that way.

I wish there was a way to have no regret.
To sing when I want to, to love when I need to.
To dance without worry, to hope without fear.
To be who I am and to be full of cheer.

Why? Tell me why?
Am I holding myself back
from being who I am?
From trusting myself
from looking within?

Why is it so hard to stop
worrying about what others think?
Why is it so difficult
to have true confidence in my identity?

I wish for all to be who they are.
To trust in your purpose, have faith in His promise
To love without limits, to trust in the outcome.
To hope in the future and feel like you’re home.

I wish there was no more suffering.
I hope that everyone can say the same.
To love yourself is not an easy thing.
Please be yourself without any shame.

Love and trust for you are who you are.
Bless the world with light from your star.

Never Know

know not the font these thoughts do spring,
yet in my head these patterns ring.
the yearning pulls where I shan’t go,
so live, I must, with never know.

above all clouds do soar, of course,
and every talk shall reinforce.
life beckons where you next shall go,
so to the world, your talent, show.

try both to search our destiny
yet we again shall never be.
the ending everybody knows,
we must move on, and so it goes.

The One

Some days it’s almost too good to be true
That our paths crossed and I met you

Some days all I can do is stare
Cause the man I want to spend forever with is right here

There are no words that can express
There is no thing I can do
That will ever perfectly put together
How much I love you

Some days all I can do is dream
What a life with you will be like
And it makes me so happy I could scream

Some days I can’t believe you’re mine
That I get to hold you
And kiss your lips
That I get to laugh and cry with you
And go on crazy awesome adventures too

So today I hope you feel
Just as special
And just as loved
As you make me feel everyday
Cause you are

And oh how I love you so

The Mountain Calls

How I long to be outside and up high.
Nothing compares to the view from above,
And the vivid color of the blue sky.
It sits upon flat terrain which I love,

Majestically judging its unequal.
The mountain is a place of lord’s prayer;
Resembling a colossal steeple;
Beckoning people to kneel and declare.

Without its presence I am in despair;
With no inspiration and or reason.
I need the imperfections and crisp air,
Or else there’d be nothing to believe in.

Without the mountains there would be no love,
And no where for a lord to rest above.

I’m Sorry

Easy to write
Harder to say
I wish I could make this all go away

I have so many things I wanna say
But nothing comes out

I try my hardest
Or so I think
Then something happens
And all happiness is gone in a blink

I hate when we fight
It’s always about the same thing
I feel like a failure
And wait for you to take off my ring

My dark passenger
The depression that lurks
Finds its way to the surface
And now my arm hurts

I want to scream
I want to break things
I want all this to be a dream
That nothing is as it seems

But I’m snapped back to reality
Where everything is numb
You say that I’ve hurt you
Made you feel dumb

I’m sorry I’m hesitant!
And that I make mistakes
I hate being this way
Just please don’t go away

I have so many things I wanna say
But nothing comes out

So for now I guess I’ll say
I love you
Please don’t give up

the good life

is this how you felt too
when you were young
and unsure of where your life would go
did you have hopes that stretched across the world
or did you hope to stay near home
or did you not plan at all
living each day
one at a time
having fun

is this how you felt
sitting next to dad
hoping one day
to marry
but still unsure of what the future held
and where this life would go
but i have hopes that stretch across the sea
i already left home far behind
though i keep you close at heart
and i plan too much
as i live day by day

is this how you feel
next to dad
with a home and a family
to call your own
are you still unsure where your life will go
have your hopes stretched across the years
as now we live
one day at a time
always wondering
this is the good life
with its ups and downs
and uncertainties

i’m not sure how you feel
but this
is the good life to me

i love you


The house is quieter now
I don’t hear your little bell
Or your sometimes annoying
Yet soft and sweet meow

You left unexpectedly
There was nothing I could do
I searched all day
Just to find you laying in the woods

You loved plastics bags
Especially when they were rolled up
You would run and jump
And sometimes the bags would get unrolled
And you’d climb in and get stuck

You wanted and craved attention badly
No matter who you got it from
And no matter where I sat
You were always on my lap

You are forever my baby
My black and white trouble maker
And I love you and miss you so much

All of me

A love song gone sour because you’re gone
Not because you left me – you left the world
We were long done when you departed
A song you sung to me, for me, of me, constantly

Now here it plays, the memory stays
As time washes over these pieces, the edges may smooth
Each corner less sharp – one day, I’ll pick them up
Until then, I tread carefully here

I no longer see those friends – I live far away
Your family moved; I don’t know where they stay
Slowly, the rest of you will fade all out of me
One day, maybe, this song will not have this memory


The natural world and the solace it would give me
Always seemed so constant and alluring.

But now, how dare the sun shine brightly, or the sky be so blue?
How can the birds bear to sing,
Or the trees stand tall too?
For at this end of misery,
It feels a great offense to be happy.

Sometimes, I have no words for pain
And know not how to heal the wounds.
Yet other times, my heart pours out
and I feel the voices in my mind tumble onto a page
sometimes elegant, sometimes rough,
but with emotion just the same.

I’m sorry, dear friend, for everything
that has befallen you.