Category Archives: Jewel

The wonderful poems by the author Jewel.

Call of the Night

Look around at the stars right now
Did you see that one fall?
I could watch the sky forever somehow
Until I knew it all

When I see the glimmer of the lights
Of the starry sky
My soul lifts to the call of the night
Into the dark I fly


Sometimes words fail to grasp
the range of emotions of a heart
The endless feelings we endure
cannot be closed in rigid definitions

Mad, sad, and happy are just words
that we use to simplify ourselves
But we are never one of these alone
for we are far more complex than some words convey

The human experience is beautiful and treacherous
while the unyielding boundaries of language press on
We seek the opportunity to break past
and reach some real connections

We strive to surpass the expectations of words
and forge a kinship with the others
We will march forward in our endeavors
to truly connect with one another

Do not be so fixated on the gesture
that you miss the meaning
This is just another tool being used
to exchange lessons of significance

My Passage Through Time

And suddenly you realize

The days went from weeks to years

You never noticed the passing of time

Until you look back at where you were

And what felt like just yesterday

Was truly back in another world

The hours and months blur together

The line between is nonexistent in the mind

Memories live as we do too

They’re not set in stone

So when I gaze upon my past

And witness the journey I have progressed

I have no sorrow for the fleeting seconds

As long as I keep thinking and creating

Every moment I am alive

I will enjoy my passage through time

Not Everyone is Broken

Not everyone is broken
And to the ones who are
The people who shine in your life
Don’t want to leave a scar

Not everyone is hateful
Or filled with greed and spite
And in fact, most people aren’t
If you just treat them right