New Life

Why have you forsaken me?
Isn’t being away from home enough?
Why must you continue to throw more my way.
How did this road become so rough?

There is so much anger and fear,
And it is trapped inside of me, here.
I wish it had somewhere to vent,
But my life is trapped inside this tent.

Injuries that keep coming around,
Music that can make no sound.
Marching until I can not anymore,
Hustling until being hit by a door.

I miss the ability to speak whenever,
I miss the chance to go wherever.
I miss the home I had with my family and friends,
I miss the life I thought could never end.

Don’t get me wrong, I love life here,
But after a while it just creates tears.
A new life with new opportunities to seize,
An old life with friends and family to leave.