Hidden Hardships

Life is a struggle,
Life is a journey,
Life will beat you down,
Life is a tourney.

Constant competition,
continuous comparison.

It feels like everything comes crashing down like the moon collapsing from the sky.
Hardships that are too hard to bear, events where you cannot cry.

Everyone has this one point where they are so beaten they’re blank.
It’s like the emotions build up, are too much, and then close away.

Do not let this happen, or at least don’t let it last,
Control your emotions, do not leave them in the past.

Trust others to share the burdens with you,
Unite together to give each other a tissue.

By believing that there is a place where you belong,
By knowing that by being sad, you’re not wrong,
By seeing that even when events turn upside down,
You’re friends are with you here to turn your life around.

Life is worry,
Life is pain,
Life is strife,
Life will beat you again.

No matter what pain you have,
Share it with those who care,
For the worst thing you can ever do,
Is never actually share.